Fictive Kin Equity Lab holds the space for equity leaders to do the work.

We understand that equity work is challenging and rewarding, all at the same time.

We recognize that this work not only requires knowledge and experience, but also energy, confidence, resilience, critical thinking, self-awareness, and reflection.

Most of all, to do this work effectively, we believe that equity leaders need time, and space.

Time to uncover and disrupt the dominant narratives that perpetuate injustice.

And space to enhance their capacity to do so, away from the demands of their everyday environments. 

That’s why our approach is literally (yes, literally) written into our name…


Inspired by the original meaning of “fictive kinship”, we take the view that all people are “fictive” kin, because we share the human trait of making up stories - “fictions” - to give meaning and truth to our lives.


A near-future state in which the fictions that are upheld by our social institutions to justify exclusion are rewritten in favour of structural, systemic, and intergenerational inclusion.


A dedicated, protected learning space where equity leaders, advocates, and allies build their capacity to effect substantive, sustainable change.

A Narrative Focus on Belonging

Why the focus on narrative?

For two reasons:

One, narrative helps to surface the deep, emotional investments we attach to those fictions.

And two, many of our society’s most enduring fictions have been inherited from a (colonial) worldview that is at odds with the goals of equity.

But all is not lost…

By shining a light on these exclusionary fictions and the emotions that are used to justify them, we can disrupt their influence, reduce their power, and write a new story for ourselves: one that is based on inclusion, humaneness, and justice.


“Dominique’s in-depth analysis of our practices gave us insights that have helped us take a thoughtful approach to how we can decolonize them, and take a more intentional approach to the language we use and the story we are telling the public.”

Chris Duff, Interim Executive Lead, Canadian Council for Youth Prosperity

We’ve worked with some amazing people at some amazing organizations

What We Do

Fictive Kin Equity Lab expands the boundaries of what “equity” in your organization can look like. And we provide your most dedicated employees with a curated, protected space in which to do this work.

Our learning modules are offered digitally, which gives participants an opportunity to learn from the facilitator and each other in an intimate, cross-sectoral community.  

We also offer a digital community of praxis for equity professionals who wish to share knowledge, deepen their understanding, and lean on each other when the work gets hard. The goal is to help them confidently navigate the path towards inclusive, meaningful, systemic change.

Dr. Dominique Riviere, founder of Fictive Kin